Trends of Advanced Multi-Material Technology for Light Materials based on Aluminum

알루미늄 기반 Advanced Multi-Material 기술의 선진 동향

  • Lee, Mokyoung (Advanced Metallic Materials Research Department, RIST) ;
  • Jung, Sung-Hun (Advanced Metallic Materials Research Department, RIST)
  • Received : 2016.09.21
  • Accepted : 2016.10.10
  • Published : 2016.10.31


Global warming is hot issue to keep the earth everlastingly. Despite the increase of the world population and the energy demand, the world oil supply and the oil price are hold the steady state. If we are not decrease the world population and the energy consumption, unforeseeable energy crisis will come in the immediate future. AMT acronym of Advanced Materials for Transportation is a non-profitable IEA-affiliated organization to mitigate the oil consumption and the environment contamination for the transportation. In recent, Annex X Multi-materials Joining was added to enhance the car body weight reduction cause the high fuel efficiency and the low emission of exhaust gas. Multi-materials are the advanced materials application technology to optimize the weight, the performance and the cost with the combination of different materials such as Al-alloy, Mg- alloy, AHSS and CFRP. In this study, the trends of AMT strategy and Al-alloy based multi-materials joining technology were review. Also several technologies for Al-alloy dissimilar joining were investigated.



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