Economy Analysis to Retrofit Ballast Water Treatment System for an Existing Vessel

선박 평형수 처리장치 선정을 위한 경제성 분석

  • Received : 2016.07.12
  • Accepted : 2016.08.12
  • Published : 2016.10.31


Since Ballast Water Management Convention has been effected, BWTS, applied to new-building vessels and existing vessels, have been developed from many countries with various treatment methods. However, BWTS is mainly typed Electrolysis, Ozone and UV type. Approximately 70 products have been type approved by the Flag Administrations. For the new-building vessels, the vessels' design and construction have been considered for arrangements and installations for BWTS. However, existing vessels which already construction had finished have problem with selection of BWTS type for installation and arrangement. The selection of the most economized BWTS system is important though, CAPEX has not been made any significant differences. However, OPEX is more important factor. Consequently, detail analysis of OPEX is the key to the selection of the most economized BWTS system and also it can be the purpose of this study. The feasibility study on the main three type of BWTS (Electrolysis, Ozone and UV type) for 175K Bulk Carrier and 57K Cargo ship has been conducted for this study. Because, these three type of BWTS have been the most frequently installed and used and the two type of object vessels are consist of the 40% of the world merchant ship market. For this study, interest rate, project duration (operation time after installation), maintenance cost and fuel oil price are considered as major factor of feasibility study. In addition, expecting Interest rates to sensitivity analysis conducted for more accurate feasibility study. For 175K Bulk carrier, ozone treatment system is more economical than other types. For 57K cargo ship, UV type is considered more economical than other types. However, it is concluded that electrolysis type is more suitable compare to installation space, total weight and electrical power consumption.



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