Low Complexity Zero-Forcing Precoder Design for MISO Broadcast Channels Under Per-Antenna Power Constraints

안테나 당 전력 제한 조건을 갖는 다중-입력 단일-출력 브로드캐스트 채널에서의 저복잡도 제로포싱 프리코더 설계

  • Park, Hongseok (Yonsei University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) ;
  • Jang, Jinyoung (Yonsei University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) ;
  • Jeon, Sang-Woon (Andong National University, Department of Information and Communication Engineering) ;
  • Chae, Hyukjin (Advanced Communication Technology R&D Laboratory, LG Electronics) ;
  • Cha, Hyun-Su (Yonsei University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) ;
  • Kim, Donghyun (Agency for Defense Developent, The 2nd R&D Institute) ;
  • Kim, Dong Ku (Yonsei University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  • Received : 2016.07.01
  • Accepted : 2016.09.08
  • Published : 2016.09.30


The K-user multiple-input single-output broadcast channel is considered under per-antenna power constraints, i. e., each transmit antenna must satisfy its own power constraints. A low complexity zeroforcing(ZF) precoder is proposed when the number of transmit antennas M is greater than K. The proposed precoder design significantly reduces computational complexity for the precoder construction while attaining the sum spectral efficiency close to that achievable by the optimal ZF precoder.

안테나 당 전력 제한 조건을 갖는 K 사용자 다중-입력 단일-출력 브로드캐스트 채널을 고려한다. 즉, 각각의 송신 안테나가 개별적인 전력 제한 조건을 만족해야한다. 송신 안테나 수 M이 K보다 클 때의 저복잡도 제로포싱 프리코더를 제안한다. 제안하는 프리코더 설계기법은 최적 제로포싱 프리코더가 달성하는 합 전송률에 근접하는 전송률을 달성하며 동시에 프리코더 설계의 복잡도를 현저히 감소시킬 수 있다.



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