A Study on the Reduction of Power Consumption and the Improvement of Motion Blur for OLED Displays

OLED 디스플레이의 전력 저감 및 모션 블러 개선에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2015.12.07
  • Accepted : 2016.01.20
  • Published : 2016.03.31


In this paper, we proposed a new driving scheme to reduce the motion blur and save the power for OLEDs(organic light emitting diodes). We adopted a DVS (dynamic voltage scaling) method to reduce power consumption and the division of TV field to improve motion blur. In the proposed scheme, BEW (Blur Edge Width) was decreased to the ratio of 1/4 compared to the conventional scheme under the optimal conditions. In this scheme, the gray levels to which the DVS method can be applied were divided into much smaller groups depending on the number of subfields. Therefore, our scheme does not guarantee less power consumption for every image compared to the conventional scheme. However, the new scheme can move the gray levels adopting the DVS to higher gray levels. Thus, we can save power even when having images at high gray levels.



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