The Effects of the Fall Prevention Education on the Awareness of Beginners to Spatial Design

낙상예방교육이 공간디자인 입문 학생의 인식에 미치는 효과

  • Received : 2016.05.31
  • Accepted : 2016.07.01
  • Published : 2016.08.31


Falls are accidents that can happen throughout the overall period of human life and their results are very fatal and have a serious negative effect on individuals and society. In case of aged people, even though they live in places where dangerous risks of falls are prevalent, they cannot improve their residential environment for themselves. Therefore, this study intends to prove the effects of fall prevention education by providing fall prevention education to spatial design majoring students in order to improve their perception about the falls and fall prevention environments and their social responsibility as a designer. This study was designed as Quasi-experimental study, and 121 beginners to spatial design received the education. As a result, the effects of education was proved by showing improvements on their awareness about the fall risks, the importance of fall prevention environment and social responsibility as a designer. In addition, after the education students could know more about spatial elements for fall prevention and they specified the details of important environmental factors for fall prevention. Generally, fall prevention education has been given to aged people and this is a first example of fall prevention education that was given to younger generation. It is meaningful that fall prevention education has changed the awareness of the students to help them work in spatial environment design with a strong sense of responsibility as an expert of spatial designer in future.



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