Who demands the Survey of Industry Demand?: Paradox of Demand-Based Engineering Education Under Catch-up Paradigm

누가 '산업체 수요 조사'를 수요하는가? : 추격형 수요기반 공학교육의 역설

  • Han, Kyong-hee (Engineering Education Innovation Center, Yonsei University)
  • 한경희 (연세대학교 공학교육혁신센터)
  • Received : 2016.05.25
  • Accepted : 2016.07.19
  • Published : 2016.07.31


In Korea, engineering education based on industry demand is highly emphasized; the survey of industry demand or company satisfaction is frequently conducted. Although engineering schools have often attempted and implemented the reform of engineering education, it was found that company satisfaction with college education was always low. In this context, this study aimed to find the cause of the low satisfaction. To this end, the social background for the active survey of industry demand and company satisfaction, and its progress were investigated. The findings of this study showed that the survey of industry demand in Korea has limitations in improving the quality of college education or developing its future demand, contrary to its intention. This industry demand based approach has its historical and social root in the Korea-specific model of the catching-up style industry development and technology innovation. Therefore, it is difficult to establish appropriate academy-industry relations and discover future vision based on this model. This study presents a new way to understand and develop the future-oriented industrial and social demand, not just arguing for the uselessness of the survey of industry demand in engineering education.



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