메타포를 통해 본 유아교사의 '교육과정'에 대한 실천적 지식의 한계

Borderlines in Early Childhood Teacher's Practical Knowledge of 'Curriculum' via Metaphor Analysis

  • 투고 : 2016.06.15
  • 심사 : 2016.08.12
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


Teacher's practical knowledge is potentially relevant to the teaching practice in his/her classroom. The research explored early childhood teachers' practical knowledge of 'curriculum' via conceptual metaphors. The participants (N=348) completed a prompt, "Curriculum is like A because B" and then the metaphors were analyzed according to the procedure proposed by Moser (2000). The analysis found that 8 themes (i.e. 'educational basis', 'learning opportunity', 'educational material', 'difficulty', 'change', 'pre-determination', 'discordance', and 'reconstruction') were the underlying conceptions signified in those metaphors. The implications regarding early childhood teachers' practical knowledge were discussed on the perspective of post-modern curriculum. Moreover, it recommended the practical knowledge based approach for early childhood teacher education, and transformation of current policy for program evaluation relevant to curriculum conceptualization.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 유아교사들의 교육활동에서 드러나는 아동관과 교육과정에 대한 이해: 발달과 배움의 관점에서 vol.39, pp.5, 2016,