A Study on Standardization of K-WPPSI-IV: Analyses of Reliability and Validity

한국 Wechsler 유아지능검사 4판(K-WPPSI-IV)의 표준화연구: 신뢰도와 타당도분석

  • Received : 2016.02.15
  • Accepted : 2016.08.01
  • Published : 2016.08.31


This study examined the reliability and validity evidence of the Korean version of Wechsler Primary & Preschool Scale for Intelligence(K-WPPSI-IV), which was standardized recently. Following the stratified sampling for Korean population in terms of region and maternal education level, 1,700 children aged 2.6~7.7 years were recruited for Korean norm development. The split-half reliability (N=1,700) was high(Fisher's z(.75-.89)) and test-retest reliability(N=100) was satisfactory ranging from .95 to .68. The inter-rater reliability(N=110) was very high(.96-1.0). Discriminant and convergent validities were revealed by correlational patterns among subtests and indices. Future studies are needed to extend both reliability and validity of K-WPPSI-IV by collecting data with a various sample group and a variety of instruments.



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