당뇨병 예방 및 관리의 시스템 사고

System Thinking on Diabetes Prevention and Management

  • 투고 : 2015.11.27
  • 심사 : 2016.03.25
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


This research aims to identify important variables and their effects on diabetes prevention or progression from prediabetes to diabetic complication using system thinking. Based on the existing studies, we have constructed a causal loop diagram explaining dynamics of diabetes and have found 7 important reinforcing loops and 3 balancing loops in the causal loop diagram. The CLD displays an effect of increasing prediabetes early detection and awareness on diabetes prevention. The findings indicate that the projects in Korea for reducing incidence of diabetes and potential risk of complication have focused on variables which are related only on diabetes even though prediabetes has been a critical point on diabetes prevention and management. Thus, it also concludes that the effect of projects focusing only on diabetes have faced limitation to manage diabetes accordingly.



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