Assessment Criteria and Capability Scores for Upper Extremity Functions from Inclusive Design Perspectives

  • Kim, Taesun (Department of Industrial Design, Kyungil University)
  • 투고 : 2016.01.08
  • 심사 : 2016.06.20
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


Inclusive design is increasingly gaining attention, as some people find using products difficult after becoming physically impaired, despite daily use. However, making inclusive products is a challenge for designers or companies, as a lack of knowledge and tools stems their low involvement in it. Developing inclusive design tools is thus needed. This study developed criteria to assess upper extremity capabilities corresponding to specific daily activities. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 58 physiatrists and orthopedists. Non-parametric statistics were employed and medians were adopted as representative scores in the assessment criteria based on normality and reliability test results, non-normal data, and strong reliability of respondents in ranking. Consequently, an assessment tool was developed with 14 criteria (divided into range of motion and strength) and capability scores between 0 and 100, which discerned the moderately impaired from the severely disabled and fully capable. Since the doctors agreed to adopt the criteria but assign numeric values, especially for mild impairments, their capability assessment perception was likely influenced by dichotomy. To compensate for these deficits, qualitative or ergonomic approaches are considered simultaneously.



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