A Case Study of Operating the Computer Programming Subject based on the Flipped Learning Model

  • Received : 2016.05.26
  • Accepted : 2016.07.12
  • Published : 2016.07.29


This paper shows what kind of influence the learning motivation factors have on the effectiveness of Flipped Learning Model through the case of operating a JAVA programming subject. The Flipped Learning Approach consisting of Before Class, Before or At Start of Class, and In Class provides the students with learning motivation as well as satisfies Keller's ARCS(Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) to keep them studying steadily. This research conducts the operation of Flipped Learning and gets Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis from the result of the course experience questionnaire at the end of the class. Given this survey result, Flipped Learning approach improves the learners' satisfaction in class and the effectiveness in the fields of understanding learning context more than does the previous lecture-based learning approach by pacing learning procedure and conducting self-directed learning.



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  1. The effects of cooperative flipped learning on science achievement and motivation in high school students vol.43, pp.9, 2016,