MMT, UHDTV 서비스 제공에 최적화된 실시간/저지연 전송 프로토콜

  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


본고에서는 MPEG에서 설계하여 ISO 표준화한 실시간/저지연 미디어 전송 기술인 MMT (MPEG Media Transport) 에 대해 알아본다. MMT는 인터넷 환경과 통합된 차세대 방송 시스템에의 적용을 목표로 설계된 기술로, IP 기반 전송 프로토콜의 사용과 HTML5 기반 서비스 제공을 가정하여 MPEG2-TS의 장점을 계승하면서 이종망 및 다기기 서비스의 지원을 고려하여 설계 되었다. 따라서 MMT는 고품질의 UHD TV서비스를 안정적으로 제공함과 동시에 인터넷 활용 부가 서비스 제공을 목적으로 하는 차세대 지상파 방송에 있어 최적화된 표준 기술이라 할 수 있다.



  1. ISO/IEC 13818-1, "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 1: Systems,"2013.
  2. ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012(E), "Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 12: ISO base media file format," September 2012.
  3. ISO/IEC 23008-1:201X, "Information technology - High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environment - Part 1: MPEG media transport (MMT),"2nd edition 2016.
  4. World Wide Web Consortium, HTML5, August 2013. (
  5. Advanced Television System Committee A/153, "ATSC Mobile DTV Standards," Parts 1-10. (
  6. ETSI TS 102 606 V1.1.1, "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE) Protocol," October 2007
  7. Advanced Television System Committee A/331, "Signaling, Delivery, Synchronization and Error Protection," under development. (
  8. IETF RFC 3550, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications," Internet Engineering Task Force, July 2003.
  9. IETF RFC 6184, "RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video," Internet Engineering Task Force, May 2011.
  10. IETF RFC 6185, "RTP Payload Format for H.264 Reduced-Complexity Decoding Operation (RCDO) Video," Internet Engineering Task Force, May 2011.
  11. IETF RFC 3640, "RTP Payload Format for Transport of MPEG-4 Elementary Streams," Internet Engineering Task Force, December 2003.
  12. ARIB STD-B60, "MMT-Based Media Transport Scheme in Digital Broadcasting Systems, Version 1.3," Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, July 2015
  13. ITU-R: Recommendation BT.2074, "Service Configuration, media transport protocol, and signaling information for MMT-based broadcasting systems," International Telecommunication Union, June 2015.
  14. ISO/IEC: ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014, "Information technology - Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) - Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats," International Organization for Standardization, 2nd Edition, May 2014.
  15. DASH IF: "Guidelines for Implementation: DASH-IF Interoperability Points, Version 3.1," DASH Interoperability Forum