2016, in total 53 corporations operate 160 aircraft. Since 2000, 52 accidents occurred in these corporations. This number takes 20.2% out of in total 257 accidents. Especially in 2016, in two(2) accidents, two(2) aircraft and people onboard were damaged. According to accident reports of aircraft using service, in most cases actions against common sense were connected to accidents. This means that attentions of managers or pilot would have protected accidents. On the basis of such background, this research analyses accidents cases of corporations operating aircraft by utilizing ahp. According to this anlysis, unlike scheduled and unscheduled airlines, pilots in command (0.109) and assisting crew (0.105) in Liveware have taken the most importance. Operational procedure (0.100) in Software and a controlling system (0.086) in Hardware have shown the second most importance. This result demonstrates that in case of corporations operating aircraft require safety management at different level than airlines.