Purpose: Building figuration is imperative to perceive the its value, environmental clean status and form. Therefore, maintenance activities of the building exterior are required to keep the housing condition and value. Each household should pay the repair cost which is brought out in the future. For this repair cost, the estimation model would needed to forecast and provide the required cost. This study aimed at providing the estimation model of the repair cost, using the repair survey data between the 2011 and 2014 in Seoul. Method: For these, it took various estimation function of repair cost such as 1st function, inverse function and so on. These above functions would be applied into the building exterior and outdoor facilities which figure the building shape and characteristics. Result: Results of this study are shown ; First, among 11 estimation models, the power function has a better statistics and goodness-of-fit than any other models. Second, the estimation model with a variable of household has a pattern in upward to the right. On the contrary, the model with management area is little downward to the right. Both of them are depended on the estimated parameter of the power function and the parameter smaller than 1.