2010년 3월 극심한 황사사례의 발생 및 수송과정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Outbreak and Transport Processes of the Severe Asian Dust Event Observed in March 2010

  • 김석우 (제주지방기상청 기후서비스과) ;
  • 송상근 (제주대학교 지구해양과학과) ;
  • 한승범 (제주대학교 지구해양과학과)
  • Kim, Sukwoo (Climate and Meteorological Service Division, Jeju Regional Office of Meteorology) ;
  • Song, Sang-Keun (Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, Jeju National University) ;
  • Han, Seung-Bum (Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, Jeju National University)
  • 투고 : 2016.04.06
  • 심사 : 2016.05.09
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


The source and transport of the severe Asian dust event (ADE) recently observed in the Korean peninsula were analyzed based on observations (surface weather charts and satellite data) and modeling study (WRF-CMAQ modeling systems). The ADE occurred on 20-21 March 2010 in South Korea with very high $PM_{10}$ concentrations (up to approximately $3,000{\mu}g/m^3$ in Daegu and Jeju). The dominant meteorological conditions affecting the dust outbreak and transport processes were found to be associated with the two synoptic features: (1) strong airflows (i.e., westerlies) induced by a strong pressure gradient resulting from a dense isobar pattern (west-high and east-low) between Tuva Republic and Mongolia and (2) a rapid movement of the strong westerlies merged with airflows generated near Gobi Desert and Inner Mongolia. The merged strong westerlies with a low pressure played a pivotal role in the huge amount of AD and its transport height of 5-8 km. The time and location of dust emissions calculated in the source regions were similar to those observed in the weather charts and satellite image. The ADE simulation mostly showed agreement in the patterns and the concentration levels of modeled dust (including $PM_{10}$) with those of the observations.



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