Effects of providing procedural information to patients undergoing prostate biopsy on anxiety, depression and sleep quality

전립선 조직검사 사전정보교육이 전립선비대증 환자의 불안, 우울 및 수면의 질에 미치는 효과

  • Received : 2016.04.08
  • Accepted : 2016.06.03
  • Published : 2016.06.30


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of providing prostatic hypertrophy patients with information about an upcoming prostate biopsy procedure on their anxiety, depression, and sleep quality. Methods: Sixty-two participants were divided equally into an experimental and control group. Experiments were conducted from July 31, 2015, to March 30, 2016. After providing information, we evaluated anxiety, depression, and sleep quality using structured questionnaires. Data were analyzed using chi-square tests, Fisher's exact tests, t-tests, and ANCOVA using SPSS. Results: The experimental group demonstrated significantly lower levels of anxiety and depression than the control group. The experimental group also demonstrated significantly higher sleep quality. Conclusion: Information on an upcoming prostate biopsy improved psychological outcomes in patients with prostatic hypertrophy. This education should be incorporated into nursing practice.



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