수술실 의료진의 팀워크와 환자안전문화에 대한 인식이 수술환자안전 프로토콜 수행에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Operating Room Nursing and Medical Staff Teamwork and Perception of Patient Safety Culture on the Performance of Surgical Patient Safety Protocol

  • Ahn, Shin-Ae (College of Nursing, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Nam-Ju (College of Nursing, The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2016.02.14
  • 심사 : 2016.02.29
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study lies in investigating nursing and medical staff perceptions on the importance of surgical patient safety protocol, teamwork, and patient safety culture, and how their grasp of the factors affects the degree of their performance of the protocol. Methods: A survey was conducted on 249 nurses and medical staff participating in the operating rooms of one higher general hospital in Seoul, using a 5-point scale self-reported questionnaire. Logistic regression analyses were used. Results: Operating room nurses yielded the highest scores on both the importance of the patient safety protocol and its performance. In patient safety culture, the operating medical staff yielded significantly higher scores than those of operating room nurses. Perception of the importance of the patient safety protocol and teamwork had a significant effect on the nurses' complete performance of the protocol. Conclusion: It is important to create a safety culture, where all the staff can actively and freely communicate with one another through team-based training programs. By enhancing teamwork and patient safety culture, it will be possible to establish the surgical patient safety protocol and to improve the performance of the protocol by health professionals.



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