Consumers' Perception towards Corporate Social Responsibility and Repurchase Intention: A Study of Consumer Industry in Vietnam

  • Thi, QuyVo (Head of Finance and Banking Department, International University (IU), Vietnam National University HCMC) ;
  • Van, Phung Le (Phu Long TSCCompany)
  • Received : 2016.04.07
  • Accepted : 2016.04.24
  • Published : 2016.06.30


Nowadays Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a critical factor influencing customers' buying intention. The study conducted aims to explore the relationship between customers' perception towards CSR and their repurchase intention. The data was collected by using survey questionnaires from 320 individual customers living in Ho Chi Minh City and processed in SPSS software. The research results showed that among CSR components, economic and charitable responsibilities have a positive impact on Vietnamese customers' repurchase intention at the significance level of 1% and the two other factors at 10%. The findings assume that CSR components have become factors explaining customers' repurchase intention, especially for consumer goods, and firms should enforce their corporate social responsibility to capture customers' repurchase intention and in turn increase their customers' loyalty.



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