Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design of Underground Parking in Commercial Facilities - Field survey of Underground Parking Spaces in Department stores, Large Discount Mart and Mixed Used Commercial Facilities -

상업시설 지하주차장의 CPTED계획요소에 관한 연구 - 대형마트와 백화점, 복합상업시설 지하주차장 현장조사 -

  • Received : 2016.04.30
  • Accepted : 2016.06.27
  • Published : 2016.06.30


Dark and desolate underground parking spaces in commercial facilities are optimal spaces for crime. First, this study reviewed 15 precedent CPTED guidelines and related literatures, and as a result extracted 45 CPTED planning criteria for underground parking facilities. Secondly by field survey, we investigated six parking spaces in commercial facilities whether they were planned properly based on 45 checklist items, in six categories of CPTED principles. In result, target facilities showed average 46.8% relevance ratio, which means less than a half of 45 items of CPTED planning factors were not applied. Guidelines suggest desirable illuminance level of more than 100 lux, however the measurement of illuminance levels in some parking spaces showed below 50 lux. Relatively department stores were keeping CPTED guidelines better than large discount mart and mixed used facilities. Definition of territory of loading dock and customer area should be clarified, clear signage and color scheme in different zones should be represented with higher level of territorial responsibilities and surveillance in mixed used facilities for further improvement.



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