Economic Analysis of an Internet Portal, 'NANOIN'

  • Kim, Heung-Kyu (School of Business Administration, Dankook University)
  • Received : 2016.06.20
  • Accepted : 2016.06.27
  • Published : 2016.06.30


In this research, economic analysis of Integrated Information System for Nano-convergence Industy (hereafter 'NANOIN'), which was developed and has been in operation by Organization of Nano-convergence Industrial Cooperation, is conducted. For this purpose, the research has been carried out in the following order. First, NANOIN user's maximum willingness-to-pay is estimated using contingent valuation method, the number for NANOIN users is estimated using Bass Diffusion Model, and annual benefit from NANOIN is estimated. Next, annual cost from NANOIN is estimated using annual budget for NANOIN related planned activities. Finally, economic value of NANOIN is evaluated using economic analysis applied to the estimated annual NANOIN benefit and cost. From the economic analysis, it is found that NANOIN has some economic value. It is expected that the procedures suggested in this research can help to systematically evaluate economic value for public goods which have not only uncertain benefit from user's side but also uncertain demand just like NANOIN.



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