Educational Effects of a H-STEAM Group Play Course in College Liberal Arts Curriculum

  • Received : 2016.05.23
  • Accepted : 2016.06.20
  • Published : 2016.06.30


In this paper, we evaluated educational effects of H-STEAM group play contents(a course) and tried to suggest a convergent model for college liberal art curriculum. We opened a mixed course(math, art, engineering, and humanities) with team teaching for this purpose. For the test, we collected data from survey, K-W-L sheet, and reflection paper from 23 students who enrolled in this course. Students should do a team project during the course, propose a new group game, and write K-W-L sheet at the end of each session and reflection paper at the final stage. As a result, it is said that H-STEAM group contents had an effect on students' satisfaction and achievement. During the course, students made academic efforts and were able to construct convergent knowledge from the four fields. From this study, we are sure that H-STEAM contents can play a substitute role for the traditional liberal arts program and innovate the curriculum for the knowledge convergence society.



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