The Locations of BL61, SP2 and SP3 in Chimgeumdongin

침김동인(鍼金銅人)의 복삼(僕參), 대도(大都), 태백(太白)의 혈위(穴位)에 대한 고찰

  • Received : 2016.05.06
  • Accepted : 2016.05.19
  • Published : 2016.05.31


The location of BL61 has commonly known as directly under the BL60 (Gollyun) which is at the lateral side of the heel. SP2 is located at the front of the big toe joint and SP3 is located at the rear of the big toe joint. These locations are the same with the standard acupuncture points of the WHO/WPRO. However, according to Chimgeumdongin (鍼金銅人), BL61 is located at the center of calcaneal tuberosity, which is close to the bottom of the heel, not at the side. SP2 is located at the rear of the big toe joint, not at the front. SP3 is located at the rear of sesamoid bone, not at the rear of the big toe joint. These can be also found in Douningyou (銅人形) c-544 with the same locations. Moreover, these locations are precisely equal in reference to the acupuncture classics such as < Zhenjiujiayijing : 鍼灸甲乙經 >, < Buzhutongrenjing : 補註銅人經 >, whereas the descriptions of the standard acupuncture points of the WHO/WPRO and the locations of acupuncture points in Zhenjiutongren (鍼灸銅人), Zhinjiuxueweitongren (鍼灸穴位銅人) are totally different from the acupuncture classics. Therefore, there needs to be further examinations on WHO/WPRO Standard Acupuncture Point with various acupuncture bronze men.



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