고전력밀도 전력변환장치를 향한 도전 - Google Little Box Challenge

  • 박성민 (홍익대 전자전기공학과)
  • Published : 2016.06.20




  1. Google little Box Challenge - Official website, Online: https://www.littleboxchallenge.com/
  2. Russell, Kristen (2016-03-09). "The IEEE Power Electronics Society and Google Announce Winner of Little Box Challenge". IEEE Society Sentinel. Vol. 21, No. 05
  3. Google little Box by CET+ Power - Official website On-line: http://littleboxchallengecetpower.com/
  4. Google Research Blog, On-line: http://googleresearch.blogspot.kr/2016/02/and-winner-of-1-million-little-box.html