When Flat Panel Display (FPD) is made with backlight module, such as LED TV, it inherently suffers from the non-uniform backlight luminance problem that results in un-even brightness distribution throughout the TV screen. If the luminance of each pixel location of a TV screen as a function of the driving voltage can be measured, it can be used to compensate the non-uniformity of the backlight module. We use a carefully calibrated imaging system to take pictures of a TV screen at different levels of brightness and generate the compensation functions for the driving circuitry to correct the luminance level at each pixel location. Making use of the fact that the luminance of the screen is normally brightest at around the center of the screen and gradually decreases toward the border of the screen, the luminance of the whole TV screen is approximated by a mathematical function of the pixel locations. The parameters of the function are computed in the least square sense by the values of both the pixel luminance sent from the driving circuit and the grayscale value measured from the image taken by the imaging system. To justify the correction system, a simple second order polynomial function is used to approximate the luminance across the screen. When the driving circuit voltage is corrected according to the measured function, the variance of the screen luminance is reduced to one tenth of the one measured from the un-corrected TV screen.