Gale Disaster Damage Investigation Process Provement Plan according to Correlation Analysis between Wind Speed and Damage Cost -Centering on Disaster Year Book-

풍속과 피해액 간 상관관계분석에 따른 강풍재해피해조사 프로세스 개선방안 -재해연보를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2016.01.28
  • Accepted : 2016.04.11
  • Published : 2016.04.30


Across the world, the industrialization has increased the frequency of climate anomaly. The size of damage due to recent natural disasters is growing large and fast, and the human damage and economic loss due to disasters are consistently increasing. Urbanization has a structure vulnerable to natural disasters. Therefore, in order to reduce damage from natural disasters, both hardware and software approaches should be utilized. Currently, however, the development of a statistical access process for 'analysis of disaster occurrence factor' and 'prediction of damage costs' for disaster prevention and overall disaster management is inadequate. In case of local governments, overall disaster management system is not established, or even if it is established, unscientific classification system and management lead to low utility of natural statistics of disaster year book. Therefore, in order to minimize disaster damage and for rational disaster management, the disaster damage survey process should be improved. This study selected gale as the focused analysis target among natural disasters recorded in disaster year book such as storm, torrential rain, gale, high seas, and heavy snow, and analyzed disaster survey process. Based on disaster year book, the gale damage size was analyzed and the issues occurring from the correlation of gale and damage amount were examined, so as to suggest an improvement plan for reliable natural disaster information collection and systematic natural disaster damage survey.



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