산업 내 경쟁자와 신규진입자의 등록특허 분석을 통한 ICT 산업 융합기술 도출

Identifying Converging Technologies in the ICT Industry : Analysis of Patents Published by Incumbents and Entrants

  • An, Jaehyeong (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University) ;
  • Kim, Kyuwoong (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University) ;
  • Noh, Heeyong (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University) ;
  • Lee, Sungjoo (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University)
  • 투고 : 2015.12.22
  • 심사 : 2016.04.17
  • 발행 : 2016.06.15


As the ICT is an industry which is the basis of the technology convergence, it is the driving force of development for new business opportunities and existing industries. But, most of the existing studies for ICT convergence have identified the trend for convergence in technological terms. So, it is difficult to identify the convergence trend in the subject innovation perspective which leads the innovation activities In the ICT industry. The newly entered companies in the ICT industry are key indicators to identify the convergence trend. They have two specific characteristics that show the wide range of the convergence technology and the application rate of the convergence. Because previous studies did not take into account these two characteristics of the newly entered companies, so it is hard to analyze the exact convergence trend. Therefore, in this paper, we classify the patents for the ICT industry depending on the subject innovation. Then, we deduct the core convergence technology in the ICT industries and application area of the non-ICT industries.



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