F2 Gel Matrix - a Novel Delivery System for Immune and Gene Vaccinations

  • Published : 2016.07.01


Exploiting the immune system to abolish cancer growth via vaccination is a promising strategy but that is limited by many clinical issues. For DNA vaccines, viral vectors as a delivery system mediate a strong immune response due to their protein structure, which could afflect the cellular uptake of the genetic vector or even induce cytotoxic immune responses against transfected cells. Recently, synthetic DNA delivery systems have been developed and recommended as much easier and simple approaches for DNA delivery compared with viral vectors. These are based on the attraction of the positively charged cationic transfection reagents to negatively charged DNA molecules, which augments the cellular DNA uptake. In fact, there are three major cellular barriers which hinder successful DNA delivery systems: low uptake across the plasma membrane; inadequate release of DNA molecules with limited stability; and lack of nuclear targeting. Recently, a polysaccharide polymer produced by microalgae has been synthesized in a form of polymeric fiber material poly-N-acetyl glucosamine (p-GlcNAc). Due its unique properties, the F2 gel matrix was suggested as an effective delivery system for immune and gene vaccinations.



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