Development of a Descriptive Paper Test Item and a Counting Formula for Evaluating Elementary School Students' Scientific Hypothesis Generating Ability

초등학생의 과학적 가설생성능력 평가를 위한 서술형 지필과제 및 가설생성능력지수 산출식의 개발

  • Received : 2016.02.03
  • Accepted : 2016.03.01
  • Published : 2016.05.31


The purpose of this study is to develop a descriptive paper test item which can evaluate elementary school students' HGA (scientific Hypothesis Generating Ability) and to propose a counting formula that can easily assess student's HGA objectively and quantitatively. To make the test item can possibly evaluate all the students from 6th graders to 3rd graders, the 'rabbit's ear' item is developed. Developed test item was distributed to four different elementary schools in Seoul. Total 280 students who were in the 6th grade solved the item. All the students' reponses to the item were analyzed. Based on the analyzed data evaluation factors and evaluation criteria are extracted to design a Hypothesis Generating ability Quotient (HGQ). As the result 'Explican's Degree of Likeness' and 'Hypothesis' Degree of Explanation' are chosen as evaluation factors. Also precedent evaluation criteria were renewed. At first, Explican's Degree of Likeness evaluation criterion was turned four levels into three levels and each content of evaluation criterion is also modified. Secondly, new evaluation factor 'Hypothesis' Degree of Explanation' was developed as combined three different evaluation criteria, 'level of explican', 'number of explican' and 'structure of explican'. This evaluation factor was designed to assess how the suggested hypothesis can elaborately explain the cause of one phenomenon. Newly designed evaluation factors and evaluation criteria can assess HGA more in detail and reduce the scoring discordant through the markers. Lastly, Developed counting formula is much more simple than precedent Kwon's equation for evaluating the Hypothesis Explanation Quotient. So it could help easily distinguish one student's scientific hypothesis generating ability.



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