- Song, J., Kunz, A., Schmidt, M., et al.: 'Connecting and Managing M2M Devices in the Future Internet,' Springer Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications Volume 19 Nov. 1 2014.
- Jittender Miglanni's blog on Forrester.com, http://blogs.forrester.com/jitender_miglani, Feb. 2015
- "The Zettabyte Era -Trends and Analysis", Cisco Systems, June 2014.[online: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/serviceprovider/visual-networking-index-vni/VNI_Hyperconnectivity_WP.html]
- oneM2M-TS-0015: 'oneM2M Testing Framework', v0.3.0, Mar, 2016.
- oneM2M-TS-0013: 'oneM2M Interoperability Testing', v1.0.0, Mar, 2016.
- oneM2M-TS-0017: 'oneM2M Implementation Conformance Statements (ICS)', v0.0.3, Mar, 2016.
- oneM2M-TS-0018: 'oneM2M Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS & TP)', v0.0.7, Mar, 2016.
- oneM2M-TS-0019: 'oneM2M Abstract Test Suite (ATS)', v0.0.3, Mar, 2016.
- oneM2M-TS-0025: 'oneM2M Application Developer Guide', v1.0.3, Mar, 2016.
- ISO/IEC 9646 (all parts): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework"
- J. Swetina, G. Lu, P. Jacobs, F. Ennesser, J. Song, "Toward a standardized common M2M service layer platform: Introduction to oneM2M," IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag., vol.21, no.3, pp.20-26, June 2014.
- oneM2M-TS-0001: 'one M2M Functional Architecture', v1.6.1, Jan, 2015.