Resource Allocation in Full-Duplex OFDMA Networks: Approaches for Full and Limited CSIs

  • Nam, Changwon (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, INMC, Seoul National University) ;
  • Joo, Changhee (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIST) ;
  • Yoon, Sung-Guk (School of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Bahk, Saewoong (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, INMC, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2016.02.10
  • Accepted : 2016.02.15
  • Published : 2016.12.31


In-band wireless full-duplex is a promising technology that enables a wireless node to transmit and receive at the same time on the same frequency band. Due to the complexity of self-interference cancellation techniques, only base stations (BSs) are expected to be full-duplex capable while user terminals remain as legacy half-duplex nodes in the near future. In this case, two different nodes share a single subchannel, one for uplink and the other for downlink, which causes inter-node interference between them. In this paper, we investigate the joint problem of subchannel assignment and power allocation in a single-cell full-duplex orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) network considering the inter-node interference. Specifically, we consider two different scenarios: i) The BS knows full channel state information (CSI), and ii) the BS obtains limited CSI through channel feedbacks from nodes. In the full CSI scenario, we design sequential resource allocation algorithms which assign subchannels first to uplink nodes and then to downlink nodes or vice versa. In the limited CSI scenario, we identify the overhead for channel measurement and feedback in full-duplex networks. Then we propose a novel resource allocation scheme where downlink nodes estimate inter-node interference with low complexity. Through simulation, we evaluate our approaches for full and limited CSIs under various scenarios and identify full-duplex gains in various practical scenarios.



Grant : Spectrum Sensing and Future Radio Communication Platforms, Research on Near-Zero Latency Network for 5G Immersive Service

Supported by : NRF, IITP


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