Channel Assignment, Link Scheduling, Routing, and Rate Control for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks with Directional Antennas

  • Published : 2016.12.31


The wireless mesh network (WMN) has attracted significant interests as a broadband wireless network to provide ubiquitous wireless access for broadband services. Especially with incorporating multiple orthogonal channels and multiple directional antennas into the WMN, each node can communicate with its neighbor nodes simultaneously without interference between them. However, as we allow more freedom, we need a more sophisticated algorithm to fully utilize it and developing such an algorithm is not easy in general. In this paper, we study a joint channel assignment, link scheduling, routing, and rate control problem for the WMN with multiple orthogonal channels and multiple directional antennas. This problem is inherently hard to solve, since the problem is formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear problem (MINLP). However, despite of its inherent difficulty, we develop an algorithm to solve the problem by using the generalized Benders decomposition approach [2]. The simulation results show the proposed algorithm provides the optimal solution to maximize the network utility, which is defined as the sum of utilities of all sessions.



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