저준위 및 극저준위 방사성폐기물 표층처분시설의 인간침입 시나리오 안전평가에 대한 고찰

Safety Assessment on the Human Intrusion Scenarios of Near Surface Disposal Facility for Low and Very Low Level Radioactive Waste

  • 투고 : 2015.11.25
  • 심사 : 2015.12.22
  • 발행 : 2016.03.30


The second-stage near surface disposal facility for low and very low level radioactive waste's permanent disposal is to be built. During the institutional control period, the inadvertent intrusion of the general public is limited. But after the institutional control period, the access to the general public is not restricted. Therefore human who has purpose of residence and resource exploration can intrude the disposal facility. In this case, radioactive effects to the intruder should be limited within regulatory dose limits. This study conducted the safety assessment of human intrusion on the second-stage surface disposal facility through drilling and post drilling scenario. Results of drilling and post drilling scenario were satisfied with regulatory dose limits. The result showed that post-drilling scenario was more significant than drilling scenario. According to the human intrusion time and behavior after the closure of the facility, dominant radionuclide contributing to the intruder was different. Sensitivity analyses on the parameters about the human behavior were also satisfied with regulatory dose limits. Especially, manual redistribution factor was the most sensitive parameter on exposure dose. A loading plan of spent filter waste and dry active waste was more effective than a loading plan of spent filter waste and other wastes for the radiological point of view. These results can be expected to provide both robustness and defense in depth for the development of safety case further.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Determination of Radionuclide Concentration Limit for Low and Intermediate-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility I : Application of IAEA Methodology for Underground Silo Type Disposal Facility vol.15, pp.3, 2017,
  2. Uncertainty Management on Human Intrusion Scenario Assessment of the Near Surface Disposal Facility for Low and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste: Comparative Analysis of RESRAD and GENII vol.15, pp.4, 2017,