Border Guard/Reconnaissance Communication Terminal for Providing Variable Frame Structure and Method for Altering the Frame Structure

가변 프레임 구조를 지원하는 국경 감시/정찰용 통신 단말 및 프레임 구조 가변 방법

  • Kim, Janghun (Satellite/Datalink Team, Hanwha Thales Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Han, Chulhee (TICN Mass Production TF Team, Hanwha Thales Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Seo, Bongyong (TICN Mass Production TF Team, Hanwha Thales Co., Ltd.)
  • 김장훈 (한화탈레스(주) 위성/데이터링크팀) ;
  • 한철희 (한화탈레스(주) TICN양산 TF팀) ;
  • 서봉용 (한화탈레스(주) TICN양산 TF팀)
  • Received : 2015.09.21
  • Accepted : 2016.01.15
  • Published : 2016.02.05


This paper is about the implementation of the OFDM-based border guard/reconnaissance communication terminal systems. We have implemented Real-time Dynamic DL/UL symbol rate control function using the DL-MAP message, and proposed error detection method caused by malfunctioning and timing optimization method. The proposed scheme detects the variable rate symbol decoding timing without increasing additional physical layer logic, and also provides a wide variety of DL/UL data transfer rate. Furthermore, the proposed scheme applies to the current border guard/reconnaissance equipment and confirms a operation performance through field tests and demonstration at home and abroad.



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