남한 전력시장에서 풍력발전점유의 전력가격수익 최적화

Optimizing the Electricity Price Revenue of Wind Power Generation Captures in the South Korean Electricity Market

  • 에먼 번 (영국 벨파스트 퀸즈대학교 전기전자공학과, 한국에너지기술연구원 신재생에너지자원센터) ;
  • 김현구 (한국에너지기술연구원 신재생에너지자원센터) ;
  • 강용혁 (한국에너지기술연구원 신재생에너지자원센터) ;
  • 윤창열 (한국에너지기술연구원 신재생에너지자원센터)
  • Eamon, Byrne (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Queens University Belfast) ;
  • Kim, Hyun-Goo (New-Renewable Energy Resource Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ;
  • Kang, Yong-Heack (New-Renewable Energy Resource Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ;
  • Yun, Chang-Yeol (New-Renewable Energy Resource Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research)
  • 투고 : 2016.01.13
  • 심사 : 2016.02.22
  • 발행 : 2016.02.28


How effectively a wind farm captures high market prices can greatly influence a wind farm's viability. This research identifies and creates an understanding of the effects that result in various capture prices (average revenue earned per unit of generation) that can be seen among different wind farms, in the current and future competitive SMP (System Marginal Price) market in South Korea. Through the use of a neural network to simulate changes in SMP caused by increased renewables, based on the Korea Institute of Energy Research's extensive wind resource database for South Korea, the variances in current and future capture prices are modelled and analyzed for both onshore and offshore wind power generation. Simulation results shows a spread in capture price of 5.5% for the year 2035 that depends on both a locations wind characteristics and the generations' correlation with other wind power generation. Wind characteristics include the generations' correlation with SMP price, diurnal profile shape, and capacity factor. The wind revenue cannibalization effect reduces the capture price obtained by wind power generation that is located close to a substantial amount of other wind power generation. In onshore locations wind characteristics can differ significantly/ Hence it is recommended that possible wind development sites have suitable diurnal profiles that effectively capture high SMP prices. Also, as increasing wind power capacity becomes installed in South Korea, it is recommended that wind power generation be located in regions far from the expected wind power generation 'hotspots' in the future. Hence, a suitable site along the east mountain ridges of South Korea is predicted to be extremely effective in attaining high SMP capture prices. Attention to these factors will increase the revenues obtained by wind power generation in a competitive electricity market.



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피인용 문헌

  1. ELCC Approach for Calculating Capacity Credit of Wind Power in Korea vol.54, pp.5, 2017,