The importance of trade in services has been increasing day by day, but the research on it is insufficient so far in terms of basic information, statistics, influence, industrialization and so on. To foster of professional trader in services, we need curriculums, textbooks and training centers like academy or college in advance. We have well developed curriculums for trade in goods since 1960's in Korea, so we can transfer the trade in goods' curriculum to trade in services. There are some differences between trade in goods and trade in services basically, but we can borrow a lot of idea from trade in goods in terms of basic framework like international economics, international business and international commercial transactions. This study propose the basic framework for trade in services' curriculum. First, trade in services economics handle the basic concept, statistics, characteristics, theories etc. Second, trade in services business treat the global companies to expand their business to global market, so characteristics of service companies, marketing plan and strategies and so on. Third, international commercial transaction of trade in services concentrate for procedures and contracts in terms of formation, implementation and finish of contract. Finally, Services industries can be a future strategic industry to any contries, so there are some national and corporates' strategy for expanding their business. This study acts on the initial idea for curriculums of trade in services, so I am looking forward to many criticism and development from another researchers to develop the model curriculums and textbook for education of specialized trader in services.