The Effect of Customer Relationship Management and Learning Capability on Organizational Innovation in Banks

은행의 고객관계관리와 학습능력이 조직혁신성에 미치는 영향

  • 권재현 (장안대학교 물류경영학과) ;
  • 최영준 (서울시립대학교 경영학부)
  • Published : 2016.09.30


Customer satisfaction dominates research on customer-firm performance relationships; however, with a few exceptions, the authors of most prior studies did not examine the possibility that an organizations' customer relationship management can increase its knowledge management. Building on previous literature of information processing theory and transaction cost perspective, this paper investigates the effect of various characteristics of customer relationship an organization cultivates on its own innovativeness. Specifically, we identify closeness, communication, sympathy as three critical components of managing customer relationship. Data from a multi-informant survey conducted to 442 organizations in Korean bank industry show that an organization's relationship with its customers has significant effects on its innovativeness. This study highlights the importance of customer relationship in terms of enhancing innovations, and helps to explain interactive effects among customer relationship, organizational learning, and innovativeness.



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