An active system for unnecessary noise reduction in kitchen range hoods

  • 투고 : 2016.01.22
  • 심사 : 2016.02.22
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


We have surrounded undesired living noises in our life. One of biggest noises coming out of range hood during cooking in the kitchen. A range hood is one of the most important appliances in the kitchen because it ventilates polluted air out during cooking, and maintains air quality in the kitchen. But current kitchen range hoods bring up some issues; First, the range hoods consume massive amount of standby power not in use condition. Second, current models have designed manual fan operating system with sudden onset of noise with starting. In this paper, we propose an auto control system entire processes from air ventilation to noise reduction. Our system is consist of three parts (Eco-sensors pack, Main Controller and Active Noise Controller); Eco-sensors pack detects air pollution of kitchen areas and sends the detection values to Main Controller. Main Controller determines operation of range hood by detected values. Active Noise Controller is located inside of the range hood. It received starting signals from Main Controller which elicits degrees of polluted air condition and fan operating speed from 1 to 3. Once Active Noise Controller detected the signals, it runs a ventilating fan until new value from Main Controller becomes 0. while the range hood works, A noise cancellation algorithm inside of Active Noise Controller become activated to reduce levels of noise. As a result, the proposed system clearly shows reduction in power consumption include standby power and decreases in levels of noise.



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