PI Controlled Active Front End Super-Lift Converter with Ripple Free DC Link for Three Phase Induction Motor Drives

  • Elangovan, P. (Department of EEE, S. K. P. Engineering College, Anna University) ;
  • Mohanty, Nalin Kant (Department of EEE, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Anna University)
  • 투고 : 2015.05.20
  • 심사 : 2015.08.12
  • 발행 : 2016.01.20


An active front end (AFE) is required for a three-phase induction motor (IM) fed by a voltage source inverter (VSI), because of the increasing need to derive quality current from the utility end without sacrificing the power factor (PF). This study investigates a proportional-plus-integral (PI) controller based AFE topology that uses a super-lift converter (SLC). The significance of the proposed SLC, which converts rectified AC supply to geometrically proceed ripple-free DC supply, is explained. Variations in several power quality parameters in the intended IM drive for 0% and 100% loading conditions are demonstrated. A simulation is conducted by using MATLAB/Simulink software, and a prototype is built with a field programmable gate array (FPGA) Spartan-6 processor. Simulation results are correlated with the experimental results obtained from a 0.5 HP IM drive prototype with speed feedback and a voltage/frequency (V/f) control strategy. The proposed AFE topology using SLC is suitable for three-phase IM drives, considering the supply end PF, the DC-link voltage and current, the total harmonic distortion (THD) in supply current, and the speed response of IM.



In modern years, induction motor (IM) drives have been playing a significant role in industrial applications because of advances in power semiconductor devices. However, the use of IM drives is challenging because of their complex model, nonlinear behavior during saturation, and electrical parameter oscillation that depends on environmental factors. In the abovementioned aspects, poor power factor (PF), supply end current distortion, and DC-link fluctuations play dominant roles in the control of VSI, which feed IM. A poor PF is a consequence of a significant phase difference between the voltage and the current across load terminals, or it is due to high harmonic content or distorted current. The basic aims of improving PF are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the electricity bills of consumers, to avail additional kilovolt-ampere from existing supply, and to extend equipment life. References [1]–[4] developed a PF correction circuit with supply current total harmonic distortion (THD) under the IEEE-519 limit, but they failed to concentrate on fluctuations in DC-link voltage and current. The active damping technique using a DC-link capacitor [5] seems to be simple and effective for regulating DC-link oscillations, but shortcomings occur when the load on the motor changes and can result in under or over correction; this technique is unsuitable for adjustable-speed drives. The influence of DC-link fluctuations on three-phase IM drives was explained clearly in [6], which concluded that the oscillation of DC-link parameters affected the THD in supply and motor current. Traditionally, the front end of a VSI-fed IM drive is connected with a diode bridge rectifier (DBR) [7], [8], which produces fixed DC from fixed AC supply. Advances in power electronic devices have enabled the DBR to be replaced with a phase-controlled rectifier (PCR) that converts variable DC from fixed AC supply [9]. Conversely, the regulation of DC-link parameters using PCR presents several limitations, such as low DC-link voltage and ripple in DC-link voltage and current. Invariable DC-link voltage is mandatory in a PCR system to obtain a high performance of the IM drive because the voltage oscillation in DC link division causes a voltage error at IM terminals.

A distinctive method to prevent voltage oscillation is to introduce a DC–DC converter between the PCR and the VSI of a drive system. The DC–DC boost converter employed in [10] produced 120 V DC for 70 V DC input, whereas the boost converter depicted in [11] showed only 91% efficiency with a complex topology. An advanced DC–DC converter in a super-lift Luo converter series [12], [13], named super-lift converter (SLC), which produces output voltage in geometric progression rather than arithmetic progression [14], overcomes the problems that exist in conventional boost converters. However, the SLC is inefficient when used in an open-loop system. Reference [15] developed a strategy to control the SLC by using a proportional-plus-integral (PI) regulator, but the strategy failed to improve SLC under load and line variations.

This study implements an improved PI-control based active front end (AFE) topology for IM drives using an SLC. Simulation is conducted using MATLAB/Simulink software. A prototype using a field programmable gate array (FPGA) Spartan-6 processor is developed to validate the simulation results. The proposed IM drive has the following features:



The foremost concentration of this work is quality DC–DC power conversion in the front end of a VSI-fed IM drive without sacrificing PF at the supply end. This section explains the voltage-lifting role of DC-DC converters in IM drives to bridge the research gap between the conventional and the proposed approaches.

Voltage Va regulation with a wide boost-up ratio plays a vital part in IM drives. Considering the fact that low-cost and high-efficiency design of an IM drive requires quality DC-link parameters and to fulfill it, a DC-DC converter is introduced in the IM drive. The conventional system [16], which uses a back-to-back converter with an average DC-link voltage, is

where Va is the input AC voltage,

For approximation, the arrangement of 1 phase, 230 V, and 50 Hz AC input supply will produce approximately 220 V DC when the firing angle “α” is 0°. The attained 220 V DC fed in a VSI working in 180° mode will produce an average output line voltage given by

Hence, the line voltage at the stator terminals of IM is limited to 179.63 V AC. Without the DC–DC converter in the IM drive, the conventional back-to-back converter arrangement will produce only 77.97% voltage transfer.

To introduce a boost converter between the PCR and the VSI for the same arrangement discussed above, the DC-link voltage is given by

where γ is the conduction duty of the DC–DC converter.

For γ = 0.5, the boost converter-intended IM drive scheme produces a line voltage twice that of the PCR-fed IM drive and is given by

The implementation of an advanced DC–DC converter in the front end of the VSI produces a wide range of DC-link voltage pump-up, which is validated in the following chapter.



A schematic of the proposed IM drive is shown in Fig. 1. The complete system is divided into three stages. The first stage converts single-phase AC power into fixed DC power using a DBR. The second stage converts the invariable DC power from the DBR to variable DC using an SLC. The last stage converts the DC power from the SLC to variable voltage/variable frequency AC power using a VSI. The following subsections explain (A) the gate control strategy of the SLC using a PI controller, (B) the gate control strategy of the VSI in the proposed system, and (C) the design deliberation of the inductor L21 and the capacitor Co of the SLC.

Fig. 1.Schematic of the proposed IM drive.

A. Gate Control Strategy of the Proposed SLC

The positive-output SLC [17] has some subseries, such as the main, additional, enhanced, re-enhanced, and multiple-enhanced series. The elementary circuit from the main series is adopted for the proposed system.

The elementary circuit of the SLC along with the equivalent circuit during switches ON and OFF is shown in Fig. 2. During switch ON, the capacitor C21 is charged to Vidc, which is the rectified input to the SLC. The current through the inductor L21 increases with Vidc during the switch ON and decreases with −(Vodc − 2Vidc) during the switch OFF of the SLC.

Fig. 2.(a) Equivalent circuit of the SLC, (b) SLC during switch ON, and (c) SLC during switch OFF.

The average output voltage of the SLC is

where Vo(dc) is the average output voltage of the SLC, and Vi(dc) is the input voltage of the SLC. The output current of the SLC is

where Io(dc) is the average output current of the SLC, and Ii(dc) is the input current of the SLC. The voltage transfer gain (G) of the SLC is

By contrast, the voltage transfer gain of the conventional boost converter is

A comparison between Equs. (8) and (9) indicates that for the same conduction duty, the SLC produces 1.5 times higher voltage transfer than the conventional boost converter. The ripple current of the inductor “L21” is

where Toff is the OFF time of the SLC.

From Equ. (3), the line voltage of the VSI with respect to the DC input of the SLC is

where the variable Vidc is equal to Vo, which is mentioned in Equ. (3). By substituting γ = 0.5 into Equ. (11), we obtain

A comparison among Equs. (3), (5), and (12) implies that the SLC adopted system attains voltage at IM terminals at a massive level in contrast to the adopted system of the conventional DC-DC converters.

The gate control strategy of the SLC using a PI regulator is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.Gate control strategy of the SLC.

The gate pulse to the proposed SLC is generated based on the prognostic algorithm. In the presented scheme, the reference current (Iref) for the inductor (L21) is extracted from the supply AC voltage, which indicates that the utility end current follows the same phase of the utility end voltage.

The derivation of Iref, which is used to generate the duty cycles for the SLC, is as follows:

During the switch ON (for t(n) ≤ t < t(n) + γT) of the SLC, the loop equation using Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) can be expressed as

During the switch OFF [for t(n) + γT ≤ t < t(n + 1)] of the SLC, the loop equation using KVL can be expressed as

where t(n) and t(n + 1) are the commencing instants of the nth and (n + 1)th switching cycle, respectively; and T is the switching period of the SLC. By substituting Equ. (13) into Equ. (15), we obtain

Equ. (16) can be rewritten as

Owing to the switching frequency of the SLC, which is higher than the line frequency, the differential equations [Equs. (14) and (17)] can be completed as

where iL21[t(n)] and iL21[t(n + 1)] are the inductor currents at the commencing instant of the nth and (n + 1)th switching cycles, respectively.

The progress of the inductor current during one switching cycle when the SLC works in a continuous conduction mode is presented in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.Inductor current in one switching cycle.

The inductor current during the switch OFF instant is determined from Equ. (18) and expressed as

The inductor current at the commencement of the (n + 1)th switching cycle is determined from Equ. (19) and given by

By substituting Equ. (20) into Equ. (21), we can derive the inductor current at the commencement of the (n + 1)th switching cycle in terms of the inductor current at the commencement of the nth switching cycle as

Equ. (22) in a discrete form is represented by

From Equ. (23), the inductor current at the commencement of the subsequent switching cycle is determined by the inductor current at the beginning of the current switching cycle, the conduction duty cycle, the input voltage, and the output voltage. The conduction duty cycle (γ) is derived from Equ. (23) and expressed as

Equ. (24) depicts the conduction duty cycle of the SLC, in which the rectified current from utility AC supply [iL21(n + 1)] and the output voltage of the SLC [Vodc] follow Iref and Vref. Hence, the conduction duty cycle is represented as

The reference current can be expressed as

where MP is the peak value of the reference inductor (L21) current, which is multiplied with the rectified sinusoidal waveform (sin (φl.t (n + 1)) to generate iL21(n + 1).

The PI regulator for the projected SLC is designed by finding appropriate values of proportional gain (Kp) and integral time (Ti). The first step in determining Kp and Ti is to develop a state model of the SLC.

The state model of the SLC [18], [19] is determined by assuming the state variables x1 (current flowing through L21), x2 (voltage across C21), and x3 (voltage across Co), and the input variable u (input voltage of the SLC). Considering the negligible input and the output resistance of the proposed SLC, the state equation of the SLC during the switch ON is given by

and the state equation of the SLC during the switch OFF is

The state-space averaging model of the SLC is

On the basis of the Zeigler–Nichols tuning method [20], Kp and Ti are resolved by applying the step input to the mathematical model [Equ. (29)] of the SLC to attain an S-shaped curve, as shown in Fig. 5. Drawing a tangential line to the S-shaped curve obtains constants, namely, delay time (L = 0.005 s) and time constant (T = 0.052 s). The values L and T are used to extract the constants Kp (9.36) and Ti (0.016 s) from the Zeigler–Nichols chart.

Fig. 5.S-shaped step response of the SLC.

Single-phase supply voltage is also involved in the topology to generate the reference current for the inductor L21. The supply voltage is sampled by using a sample-hold circuit and converted to per unit (p.u.) form. The amplitude of the negative half cycle in the p.u. voltage waveform is shifted to a positive half cycle by using a zero cross-detection arrangement. The output of the zero-cross detection is multiplied by the PI controller output to produce the reference current of L21. The supply AC voltage is utilized to generate the reference inductor (L21) current. Hence, the phase angle that the voltage waveform follows is equal to the phase angle of the current waveform across the inductor (L21). The achievement of zero-phase difference between the supply voltage and current is thus validated. Finally, the error in the inductor (L21) current is processed through a hysteresis current controller to generate the gate signal to the SLC.

B. Gate Control Strategy of the VSI

This section explains the proposed voltage/frequency (V/f)control scheme for the IM drive. The V/f control scheme is simpler to design and implement compared with other control techniques. Most industrial drive applications use this technique. The V/f-control technique is classified as open-loop and closed-loop control [21], [22]. The projected scheme uses the closed-loop V/f control based on pulse-width modulation (PWM).

PWM is a method in which a set input DC voltage is applied to the VSI and a normalized AC output voltage is attained by adjusting the ON and OFF periods of the VSI switches. Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) is the most popular method used in many industrial applications [23] and avoids complexity in generating pulses. In this technique, a high-frequency triangular carrier wave is compared with the sinusoidal reference wave and establishes the switching instant of the VSI.

Reference [24] implemented an FPGA processor to generate the SPWM gate signal for a VSI and used approximately 607 logic elements, which were complex to design. The SPWM technique used in that scheme was open-loop control, in which the frequency and amplitude of the reference sine plus the frequency from the carrier triangular wave were required. The proposed SPWM technique uses only two inputs. The first input (combined modulation index and frequency of sine wave) is generated from the PI regulator, and the second input is the frequency from the carrier triangular wave.

The strategy developed to generate gate pulses to the VSI for the proposed scheme is shown in Fig. 6. The speed of the IM in the intended system is sensed using a proximity sensor and compared with the reference speed to produce speed error. The error in the speed signal is processed through the PI regulator and multiplied with the gains (G1 and G2). The values of G1 and G2 are selected such that the modulation index remains at 0.95 and the frequency remains at 50 Hz. On the basis of the modulation index and the frequency signal, the implemented SPWM generator produces six gate pulses for the switches of the presented VSI.

Fig. 6.Gate control strategy of the VSI.

C. Design Deliberation

The selection of inductor and capacitor range for the SLC is important to maintain the quality of the DC-link parameters of the proposed drive scheme. This section explains the selection of the L21 and C0 values of the intended SLC by considering the voltage and current ripples in the DC link caused by the front-end DC–DC conversion and back-end DC–AC inversion.

The inductor current ripple (∆iL21) presented in Equ. (10) can be rewritten as

From Equ. (30), we obtain

By substituting Equ. (25) into Equ. (31) and replacing Vodc with Vref, we have

Assuming that the developed AFE topology allows the actual inductor current to follow the reference inductor current, that is, iL21(n) is equal to iL21(n + 1), Equ. (32) becomes

On solving Equ. (33), the inductor L21 for the suggested SLC is expressed as

where fs is the switching frequency of the SLC with the inverse of the time period T.

The DC-link capacitor Co filters the harmonic reflected back from the VSI of the recommended drive scheme and maintains ripple-free DC-link voltage. Hence, the selection of Co value is critical. This study concentrates only on the forward motoring mode, and the ripple caused by the reflected harmonic from the VSI is eliminated by injecting the ripple component with the same frequency as that of the throw back harmonic in the DC link. The injection of the ripple component is based on the knowledge of prediction control using an FPGA.

The DC-link ripple voltage (∆Vodc) is expressed as

From Equ. (35), Co is expressed as

Assuming that iL21(n) is equal to iL21(n + 1) and by substituting Equ. (25) into Equ. (36), we obtain

The values of the inductor L21 and the capacitor Co highly depend on the switching frequency of the SLC and the DC-link voltage and current ripples. If the switching frequency of the SLC increases, then the values of L21 and Co are selected to be low. A high switching frequency results in electromagnetic interference (EMI). Hence, the selection of L21 and Co is made such that EMI should not exist.



The Simulink model of SLC-adapted IM drive is designed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The simulation is conducted by using MATLAB 2012a software. The simulation circuit parameters are presented in Table I.


The single-phase source voltage and current waveform with and without the proposed AFE topology for the load variations in IM are obtained and presented in Fig. 7 to verify the line-side PF.

Fig. 7.Single-phase supply voltages and currents (a) without the proposed AFE topology, (b) with the proposed AFE at 0% load, and (c) with the proposed AFE at 100% load.

The simulation result presented in Fig. 7 ideally authenticates the performance of the offered system with a unity PF in the supply end during the no-load and full-load conditions of the IM. From Fig. 7(a), the current waveform is not in phase with the voltage waveform. Hence, the PF is not unity in the absence of the projected AFE topology. The reference and the actual inductor currents (iref and iL21) during the steady-state operation of the anticipated IM drive system are presented in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.Reference and actual inductor currents (iref and iL21).

The rectified current from the supply end is close to the reference current generated by the premeditated AFE algorithm. The DC-link voltages of the proposed IM drives during 0% and 100% loads on the IM are shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.DC-link voltage for the reference 300 V (a) 0% load and (b) 100% load.

During load disturbance, the presence of PI control effectively regulates the actual DC-link voltage within 0.04 s, and the DC-link voltage attained is ripple free. Fig. 10 shows the DC-link current of the proposed scheme at 0% and 100% loading conditions on the IM.

Fig. 10.DC-link currents (a) 0% load and (b) 100% load.

Fig. 10(b) implies that the load disturbance does not create fluctuations in the DC-link current. However, a peak current of approximately 30 A persists in the DC link and is isolated by the protective devices added to the proposed scheme. The attained DC-link current is 5 A. As per Equ. (10), the ripple current in the DC-link part is 0.001 A, which is less than 1% of the average current.

The speed responses of the IM in the employed scheme during 0% and 100% loads on the IM are depicted in Fig. 11. A full-load torque of 2.5 N.m is applied to the IM at 1 s. The speed response of the IM shows that the error in the speed of the IM is regulated immediately after the load disturbance at 1 s. Hence, the effectiveness of the outer V/f control loop is validated.

Fig. 11.Speed response of the IM (a) 0% load and (b) 100% load.

The THD in the supply current of the proposed scheme is investigated, and the corresponding results are depicted in Fig. 12. The THD in the supply current in the absence of the proposed AFE topology is shown in Fig. 12(a). For this case, the gate pulse with a duty cycle of 0.5 is considered with a switching frequency of 20 kHz. The THD in the supply current in the presence of the proposed AFE topology under no-load condition of the IM is illustrated in Fig. 12(b).

Fig. 12.THD in supply current (a) in the absence of the proposed AFE topology, (b) in the presence of the proposed AFE topology with no load, and (c) in the presence of the proposed AFE topology with load disturbance.

Fig. 12(c) shows the THD in the supply current in the presence of the designed AFE topology under load disturbance of the IM. Fig. 12 indicates that the proposed AFE topology improves the THD in the supply current significantly. The stator current of the IM during the steady state and the run-up condition is presented in Fig. 13. The IM current in the developed drive scheme does not have any spikes. Hence, the insulation failure of stator winding is eliminated using the designed scheme.

Fig. 13.Stator currents (phase-a and phase-b) of the IM (a) at no-load disturbance and (b) at load disturbance.



The hardware model of the intended scheme is shown in Fig. 14. Table II shows the experimental parameters used in the proposed system.

Fig. 14.(a) Test bench composed of 1phase AC supply, power electronic converters, an FPGA processor, an IM, and a Tektronix oscilloscope and (b) developed prototype.


The hardware implementation is conducted by using an FPGA Spartan-6 processor. FPGA is a programmable logic chip and is analogous to a programmable logic device (PLD). PLDs usually consist of a limited number of gates, whereas FPGAs support thousands of gates and are popular for embedded circuit designs.

The Spartan-6 family of FPGAs, which is used for the proposed system, meets the needs of high-volume, cost-sensitive consumer electronic applications. In the hardware implementation, an XILINX FPGA is used to generate the PWM pulses for SLC and VSI.

The single-phase supply voltage and current waveforms without the built-up AFE topology and with the AFE topology for 0% and 100% loads on IM are shown in Fig. 15. A comparison of results indicates that a voltage plunge exists for the scheme without AFE, as shown in Fig. 15 (a). The phase difference between supply current and voltage is zero for both the loading conditions. Thus, the developed prototype practically authenticates the operation of the projected scheme with a unity PF at the supply end.

Fig. 15.Single-phase supply voltage (25 V/div.) and current (5 A/div.) (a) without the proposed AFE topology, (b) with the proposed AFE at 0% load, and (c) with the proposed AFE at 100% load.

The actual and the reference inductor (L21) currents are shown in Fig. 16. The error between the actual and the reference currents is low. Hence, the developed AFE topology is practically validated.

Fig. 16.Reference and actual inductor currents (iref and iL21).

The rectified AC voltage and DC-link voltage of the proposed model for the reference 300 V DC are presented in Fig. 17. The results shown in Fig. 17 are attained for both 0% and 100% load disturbances of the IM.

Fig. 17.Rectified AC voltage (CH1 = 50 V/div.) and DC-link voltage (CH2 = 50 V/div.) ((a) 0% load and (b) 100% load).

The presented AFE topology using the SLC acts as a key for eliminating the ripple content in the rectified voltages, as predicted from Fig. 17. The implementation of the SLC instead of a conventional DC–DC converter is authenticated by a voltage boost-up ratio of 1:3, as mentioned in Equ. (6).

The DC-link currents with and without the proposed AFE topology using the SLC of the projected system are presented in Fig. 18. As discussed above, the DC-link current of the proposed scheme consists of a ripple content less than 1%, which validates Equ. (10) and is shown in Fig. 18(a). The DC-link current ripple is 20% in the absence of the proposed AFE topology.

Fig. 18.DC-link current (a) with the proposed AFE topology (CH2 = 1.25 A/div.) and (b) without the proposed AFE topology (CH1 = 1.25 A/div.).

The speed of the IM in the experimental setup is measured across the terminals of the Spartan-6 processor through a digital-to-analog convertor. Fig. 19 shows the speed response of the IM for a reference speed of 1000 rpm with 0% and 100% loading conditions of the proposed IM. When a full-load torque of 2.5 N.m is applied to the IM of the proposed system at t = 50 ms, the speed dips a little bit around 50 rpm, but it immediately follows the reference speed in a regulation period of 10 ms. The result of speed response verifies the feasibility of the closed-loop V/f control for the proposed model.

Fig. 19.Speed response of the IM (CH1 and CH2 = 1000 rpm/div.) (a) 0% load and (b) 100% load.

The THD in the supply current of the proposed system is measured by using a power quality analyzer and is shown in Fig. 20.

Fig. 20.THD in supply current (a) in the absence of the proposed AFE topology, (b) in the presence of the proposed AFE topology with no load, and (c) in the presence of the proposed AFE topology with load disturbance.

The THD in the supply current of the developed prototype is measured in three different conditions, namely, in the absence of the proposed AFE topology, in the presence of the proposed AFE topology without load disturbance, and in the presence of the proposed AFE topology with load disturbance. The upper part in the result shows the supply current waveform with a peak value of 15 A, and the lower part in the result shows the THD spectrum for the corresponding supply current.

In Fig. 20(a), the THD in the supply current is 63%, which exceeds the IEEE-519 standard. By contrast, the THDs in the supply current of the proposed system during no-load and load disturbances are 1.3% and 3.5%, respectively, which verify the suitability of the proposed eminent AFE topology for IM drives.

The stator current (phase-a and phase-b) of the IM in the intended system during the steady-state and load disturbance is shown in Fig. 21. The results show no distortion in the waveform. Hence, the insulation failure in the stator winding of the IM is eradicated.

Fig. 21.Stator currents (phase-a and phase-b) of the IM (a) at no-load disturbance and (b) at load disturbance.



An AFE topology that uses an SLC integrated with a three-phase VSI-fed V/f controlled IM drive is presented in this manuscript. The AFE topology in this scheme is developed by using a prognostic control algorithm. The effects of the developed AFE topology on utility, DC link, and IM parameters are studied. A comparison between the premeditated IM drives with and without AFE for the supply end PF, the THD in the supply current, and DC-link voltage and current is conducted via simulation and experiment. Results indicate that the supply end PF is in unity while integrating the developed AFE topology in the front end of the IM drive, whereas the supply end PF is less than 0.6 in the absence of the improved AFE topology. The THD in the supply current is below 4% in the presence of AFE, whereas it is above 60% in the absence of AFE. The DC-link voltage and current ripples are eliminated with the SLC arrangement; this ability of the SLC is an advantage that makes it a suitable replacement for conventional DC–DC converters. The DC-link current ripple is less than 1% in the presence of the AFE-integrated SLC arrangement, whereas it is 20% in the absence of the arrangement. The IM response for load variations validates the suitability of the V/f control at the motor end for the intended scheme. The PI controller used in both ends is generally suitable for the proposed drive scheme in observing the error elimination in DC link and speed signals.


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