Analgesic Effects of Drosera rotundifolia L. Pharmacopuncture at Taegye(KI3) Acupoint on Formalin-induced Pain

Formalin으로 유도된 통증 모델에서 태계혈(太谿穴)(KI3)의 원엽 모고채(Drosera rotundifolia L.) 약침의 진통효과

  • Oh, Se Jung (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Kim, Jae Soo (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Lee, Yun Kyu (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Lee, Hyun Jong (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University)
  • 오세정 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구의학과) ;
  • 김재수 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구의학과) ;
  • 이윤규 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구의학과) ;
  • 이현종 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 침구의학과)
  • Received : 2016.02.12
  • Accepted : 2016.03.08
  • Published : 2016.03.18


Objectives : The objective of this study is to evaluate the analgesic effects of Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture on formalin-induced pain in Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats. Methods : In this experiment there were four groups, each with six SD rats. In the normal group (NOR), normal saline $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right KI3, and normal saline $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right hindpaw 35 minutes later. In the control group (CON), normal saline $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right KI3, and formalin 5 % $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right hindpaw 35 minutes later. In the Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture 3 % group (DP3), Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture 3 % $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right KI3, and formalin 5 % $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right hindpaw 35 minutes later. In the Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture 5 % group (DP5), Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture 5 % $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right KI3, and formalin 5 % $40{\mu}L$ was injected at right hindpaw 35 minutes later. We analyzed ultrasonic vocalization (USV), Substance P, aspartate aminotransferase(AST), and alanine aminotransferase(ALT). Results : In the early phase of USV, both DP3 and DP5 had an analgesic effect. In the late phase, DP5 had an analgesic effect compared to CON. Substance P in DP5 was significantly decreased compared to CON. In regards to blood AST and ALT, there was no significant difference among NOR, CON, DP3 or DP5. Conclusion : These results suggest that Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture helps to reduce formalin-induced pain. It's mechanism is related to substance P, and Drosera rotundifolia L. pharmacopuncture has no influence on liver toxicity.



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