- IEC 62501 : Voltage Sourced Converter(VSC) valves for High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) power transmission - Electrical testing, 2014.
- Working Group B4.48 CIGRE. "Components Testing of VSC System for HVDC Applications (Number 447. Feb. 2011)
- T. Xu, M.W. Donoghue. and C.C. Davidson "IGBT Overcurrent turn-off Tests for the MMC-Based VSC Valves." EPE' 13?ECCE Europe. Lille France, Sep. 2013.
- T. Xu and C.C. Davidson, "Operational Tests for the MMC-Based VSC Valves," PCIM Europe 2014. 20-22, pp. 485-492, May. 2014.