ODA 지원 베트남 중부 꽝남성 종합병원의 거주후 평가

Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Central Hospital in Quang Nam Province of Vietnam Funded by Korean ODA

  • 투고 : 2016.01.15
  • 심사 : 2016.02.04
  • 발행 : 2016.03.15


Purpose: This is the ex-post evaluation on "the Central General Hospital in Quang Nam Province in Vietnam" funded by Korean ODA. Through this evaluation, this study tries to explore useful ways to improve the effectiveness of Korean ODA projects related to hospital establishment. Methods: Field survey and analysis of questionaire to the staffs and patients of Quang Nam Province General Hospital were conducted twice in 2012 and 2014 after the completion of the Hospital. Two sets of surveys and questionaire outcomes have been comparatively analysed by statistics in order to seek the trend of satisfaction level of hospital users and find out the improvement way in hospital design and construction. Results: The satisfaction level on the hospital was relatively high and that of 2014 is higher than that of 2012. The satisfaction level of the users was recorded in Likert 5 scales. Continuous facility complement and maintenance is considered as the main contributor in increasing the satisfaction level of users. As far as the satisfaction level of outpatient is concerned, that of 2012 was recorded as 3.65 and that of 2014 was 4.05. In case of inpatient, the satisfaction level on the hospital in 2012 was 3.76, and 4.06 in 2014. Implications: In overseas hospital projects, proper hospital project management system including medical service plan, strategic plan, brief, design & construction and maintenance have to be put together effectively and efficiently for the success of the hospital project. At the same time local climate, culture, building material and local code have to be considered in order to build sustainable hospital.



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