Increasing clinical demand for carbon-11 labeled radiopharmaceuticals has triggered technological advances in fields of radiochemistry and automated modules. Even though carbon-11 has a short half-life ($t_{1/2}=20.4min$), the consecutive second production of carbon-11 labeled radiopharmaceutical in one $^{11}C$-synthetic module should be delayed at least over 4 h to avoid the high radiation exposure. We herein aimed to produce two different carbon-11 labeled radiopharmaceuticals ([$^{11}C$]PIB and [$^{11}C$]methionine) by sharing of [$^{11}C$]methylation source in one $^{11}C$-synthetic module. The synthesis of $^{11}C$-labeling reagents ($[^{11}C]CH_3I$ or $[^{11}C]CH_3OTf$) is fully automated using the commercial TRACERlab $FX_{C-pro}$ module and is readily adaptable to $^{11}C$-labeling reactor for [$^{11}C$]PIB as well as another $^{11}C$-labeling apparatus for [$^{11}C$]methionine via the three-way valve. After completing the [$^{11}C$]PIB production, the re-synthesized $[^{11}C]CH_3I$ was passed through the three-way valve connected the polyetheretherketone (PEEK) line and loaded into the C18 Sep-Pak cartridge including the methionine precursor. The labeled product [^${11}C$]methionine was purified by a simple cartridge separation and reformulated into saline. The radiochemical yield of [$^{11}C$]PIB and [$^{11}C$]methionine were $5.3{\pm}0.6%$ and $18.7{\pm}0.8%$ (n.d.c.), respectively, with over 97% of radiochemical purity. The specific activity of [$^{11}C$]PIB was over $110GBq/{\mu}mol$. Total production time of two radiopharmaceuticals needs about 2 h from $1^{st}$ beam irradiation including quality control tests. Final [$^{11}C$]PIB and [$^{11}C$]methionine were satisfied all quality control test standards.