지역사회 유해환경과 청소년의 음주흡연 경험과의 관계에서 학교적응의 보호 작용

The Protective Role of School Adjustment Between Risky Neighborhood Environment and Adolescent Drinking and Smoking

  • 김신아 (성균관대학교 아동청소년학과) ;
  • 한윤선 (성균관대학교 아동청소년학과)
  • Kim, Shinah (Department of Child Psychology and Education, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Han, Yoonsun (Department of Child Psychology and Education, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 투고 : 2015.10.30
  • 심사 : 2016.02.25
  • 발행 : 2016.02.29


Objective: To prevent adolescent drinking and smoking, this study proposed a strategy based on the ecological perspective. Methods: The study applied multilevel moderated logistic regression analysis on nationally representative individual-level (2,046 9th grade adolescents) and neighborhood-level (92 geographic areas) data. Results: There was a positive association between risky neighborhood environments (e.g., rate of smoking, drinking, and presence of saloon/bars accommodation) and rates of adolescent drinking and smoking. Furthermore, the interplay between risky neighborhood environments and school adjustment pointed to a possible protective effect of a high level of school adjustment in predicting smoking and drinking among adolescents. Conclusion: Findings highlighted the importance of considering multiple neighborhood social contexts surrounding adolescents to understand their risky behavior. Furthermore, positive intervention strategies that focus on adolescents' positive development within the school domain may act to protect adolescents from harmful neighborhood environments.



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