Purpose. This study aims to explore Situations and Problems of the Community Senior Citizen Center as the senior health care and the Elderly's Leisure status. Then, aims to arrange Activation Vitalization Plan of the senior's leisure in Community Senior Citizen Center. Methods. The literature and data used in this study was based on a questionnaire survey, mostly from Gyeongki-Do Community Senior Citizen Center Branch and statistical research data. Literature review and analysis frequency was by reference to the paperback and academic papers related to the senior health welfare. Results. First, the period of the seniors with the Community Senior Citizen Center as health facilities has appeared in 6-10years(32.8%), followed by the response showing that more than 10years(32.4%). Therefore, it reveals that the senior live in the same region in the long term. Second, the number of days that the senior health care the Community Senior Citizen Center has been used by the senior was over 5days. This result was supported by 608people(61.7%). Both men and women replied that they use the health center more than five days. Third, the number of the senior who responded that they use the Community Senior Citizen Center as health facilities 629people(63.9%). They replied that they use the facilities mostly afternoon. The senior use the facilities all day appeared to 263people(26.7%). Conclusions. It seems like that there needs to be a variety of personalized programs that can be added to increase the life satisfaction of the senior participation in leisure programs for the Community Senior Citizen Center as senior health facilities in the future. Additionally, the government needs to require a wide range of financial support for the Community Senior Citizen Center as senior health care and devise the strategies that will lead the health center for the senior need to be actively utilized.