Mechanical properties of Al/Al2O3 and Al/B4C composites

  • Pandey, Vinod K. (Research and Development Establishment (Engineers)) ;
  • Patel, Badri P. (Applied Mechanics Department, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) ;
  • Guruprasad, Siddalingappa (DRDO HQ)
  • 투고 : 2016.08.26
  • 심사 : 2017.01.13
  • 발행 : 2016.12.25


Mechanical properties of $Al/Al_2O_3$ and $Al/B_4C$ composites prepared through powder metallurgy are estimated up to 50% $Al_2O_3$ and 35% $B_4C$ weight fractions using micromechanics models and experiments. The experimental Young's modulus up to 0.40 weight fraction of ceramic is found to lie closely between Ravichandran's/Hashin-Shtrikman lower/upper bounds, and close to self consistent method/Miller and Lannutti method/modified rule of mixture/fuzzy logic method single value predictions. Measured Poisson's ratio lies between rule of mixture/Ravichandran lower and upper bound/modified Ravichandran upper bounds. Experimental Charpy energy lies between Hopkin-chamis method/equivalent charpy energy/Ravichandran lower limit up to 20%, and close to the reciprocal rule of mixture for higher $Al_2O_3$ content. Rockwell hardness (RB) and Micro-hardness of $Al/Al_2O_3$ are closer to modified rule of mixture predictions.



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