Symbiotic organisms search algorithm based solution to optimize both real power loss and voltage stability limit of an electrical energy system

  • 투고 : 2016.04.16
  • 심사 : 2016.09.27
  • 발행 : 2016.12.25


This paper presents a novel symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm to optimize both real power loss (RPL) and voltage stability limit (VSL) of a transmission network by controlling the variables such as unified power flow controller (UPFC) location, UPFC series injected voltage magnitude and phase angle and transformer taps simultaneously. Mathematically, this issue can be formulated as nonlinear equality and inequality constrained multi objective, multi variable optimization problem with a fitness function integrating both RPL and VSL. The symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm is a nature inspired optimization method based on the biological interactions between the organisms in ecosystem. The advantage of SOS algorithm is that it requires a few control parameters compared to other meta-heuristic algorithms. The proposed SOS algorithm is applied for solving optimum control variables for both single objective and multi-objective optimization problems and tested on New England 39 bus test system. In the single objective optimization problem only RPL minimization is considered. The simulation results of the proposed algorithm have been compared with the results of the algorithms like interior point successive linear programming (IPSLP) and bacteria foraging algorithm (BFA) reported in the literature. The comparison results confirm the efficacy and superiority of the proposed method in optimizing both single and multi objective problems.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A comprehensive survey on symbiotic organisms search algorithms vol.53, pp.3, 2016,