초등 예비교사와 현직교사의 수학 평가문항 개발사례 연구

A Study on Pre-service and In-service Teachers' of Primary School, Competence in Designing Mathematical Assessment Item Development

  • 투고 : 2016.01.28
  • 심사 : 2016.02.29
  • 발행 : 2016.02.29


The purpose of this study is to investigate the assessment expertise of Mathematics' teachers, focusing on the competence in designing assessment item development. In this present research, I analysed how the teachers' competence appears in designing assessment items development when they generated problems the given problem into a new one. To examine this assumption, the following research questions were posed and investigated in the present study : How do Pre-service and In-service Teachers in primary schools develop the assessment item when generating problems the given problems into new problems? The result from the case study of metamorphosing the given problem into a new problem teachers used similar patterns switching numbers or changing units in order to develop new problems. Also, teachers in primary schools tend to develop problems as commonly as in the mathematics workbooks. In-service teachers tend to have better skills developing assessment items, but there were quite much of variability between individuals.



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