Evaluation on a Miller Cam for Improving the Fuel Consumption of a Large Diesel Engine

대형 디젤 엔진의 연비 향상을 위한 Miller Cam 평가

  • Song, Changhoon (Department of Advanced Engine System Vevelopment, Doosan Infracore) ;
  • Wang, Tae Joong (Department of Advanced Engine System Vevelopment, Doosan Infracore) ;
  • Im, Heejun (Seoul Center 2nd Team, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality)
  • 송창훈 (두산인프라코어 엔진선행개발팀 연소설계파트) ;
  • 왕태중 (두산인프라코어 엔진선행개발팀 연소설계파트) ;
  • 임희준 (국방기술품질원 서울센터 2팀)
  • Received : 2015.06.23
  • Accepted : 2015.09.08
  • Published : 2016.01.01


Miller timing is one of the promising ways which can improve the fuel consumption of internal combustion engines. Indeed, Miller timing employing an early intake valve close is widely applied to large diesel and gas engines to enhance performance and reduce NOx emissions. In this study, performance evaluation is carried out by 1-D cycle simulation in order to estimate the effect of Miller CAM timing before BDC for a 32 L turbocharged diesel engine. To optimize Miller CAM timing, a single stage turbocharger is matched with an early intake valve close since boost pressure is a significant parameter that can control compression work in a turbocharged engine. The engine simulation result shows that there is enough potential to improve fuel consumption rate and also reduce NOx emissions at the same time.Abstract here.



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