A Study on Deriving Evaluation Factors for Housing Satisfaction of the Physically Handicapped

신체장애인의 주거만족도 평가 요소 도출에 관한 연구

  • 박미영 (부천대 실내건축디자인과) ;
  • 소준영 (부천대 실내건축디자인과)
  • Received : 2015.10.30
  • Accepted : 2016.02.12
  • Published : 2016.02.29


This study is a literature study aimed to derive the evaluation factors for the survey of housing satisfaction of the physically handicapped. To attain the objective, the present study compared the influential factors of housing satisfaction for normal people and those for the physically handicapped found in the precedent researches, and analyzed them to draw out the evaluation factors for housing satisfaction of the physically handicapped. And then it drew out sub-factors and elements for the housing satisfaction of the physically handicapped. The evaluation factors for housing satisfaction of the physically handicapped are divided mainly into physical, social-psychological and economic factors. First, physical factor consists of 'functionality (usability)', 'safety', 'convenience', 'comfort', 'aesthetics', 'accessibility (mobility)', 'identifiability (recognition)'. Of them, 'functionality (usability)' factor consists of 3 sub-factors and 8 elements. 'Safety' was subdivided into securing safety and public order/crime prevention. and structural safety, and 7 elements were drawn out from 'safety'. 'Convenience' is sub-categorized into convenient usage and simple operation, and 9 elements were derived. 'Comfort' was classified into 2 sub-factors and 9 elements. 'Aesthetics' was classified into 2 sub-factors and elements. 'Accessibility (mobility)' was divided into 2 sub-factors and elements. 'Identifiability (recognition)' was classified into 2 sub-factors and 5 elements. Second, social-psychological factor includes 'sociality' and 'independence' factor. One sub-factor and one element were drawn from each of both factors. Third, 'economic factor' consists of 'economy'. One sub-factor and elements were drawn out from the factor. It is expected that the 10 evaluation factors, their sub-factors and elements that have been derived from this study can be used as the basic data and/or reference in designing residential space for the physically handicapped and making policy for it after verifying them in following studies. The present study finds itself significance in that the findings here can ultimately improve the housing welfare and life quality of the physically handicapped.



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