An Analysis of the Spatial Configuration of Adolf Loos' House

아돌프 로스 단독주택의 공간구조 분석 연구

  • Received : 2016.10.14
  • Accepted : 2016.11.14
  • Published : 2016.12.25


The spaces have a variety of sizes dependent upon their function and significance as well as their geometric shape. An architect Adolf Loos (1870-1933) had incorporated a correlation between the unconstrained formation of space into design. He had noticeably revealed the features of space that are unconstrained and mutually related with each other, for the space compositions among modern architects. This study is about to analyze the feature of space structure for houses of Adolf Loos through Space syntax which is the quantitative space analyzing method for the subject of his detached houses. These houses were emphasized for functional aspects of space without unnecessary decorations. Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye was analysed along with it to review a comparative point of view of his house's characteristic. Based on this, the features of the spatial structure of Loos' house were examined in conjunction with his views space as essence. A J-Graph and VGA for Adolf Loos' detached house revealed the structure's spatial characteristics in which the interior space is located deeply removed from exterior yet it is integrated as a whole. Also, it revealed that the experiments of the various spatial structures shown in Adolf Loos' detached house and European rationalist architects like Le Corbusier affected each other at the same time.



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